Visual Perception Quiz



Dear friends and clients:

I'm collecting data for my Honors Thesis, which involves aspects of visual perception and personality.

There are four blocks of trials: Face Perception, Emotional Intelligence Quiz, the Big Five Personality Trait Questionnaire, and a few demographic questions.

It takes approximately 20-25 minutes to complete, with the Face Perception block being timed, so you need to allow 10-14 minutes of uninterrupted focus. The other blocks are untimed.

Your responses are anonymous, unless you would like to receive your results. At the end of the survey there is a space for you to enter your email address, if you so chose.

Please allow 7-10 days for me to send your scores.
And thank you for checking it out.

Once you click the link below, you'll be redirected to the Qualtrics Survey platform.

Click here to begin


If you would like to read a paper I wrote last year on a color experiment
where I used some of my colleagues as subjects, please click here for a PDF:

The Effect of Age on Color Memory